Basic Node
by John Vincent
Posted on February 18, 2017
This stuff ends up sprayed everywhere, so let's create a reference document.
Install / Update
From NodeJS
- Download recommended version, this file for example
- Execute the package file
installs to
which node
which npm
Check versions
node -v
npm -v
Global Node modules are kept in
Ensure /usr/local/bin
is in your PATH
Update Npm
One option is to update by updating Npm as outlined above.
sudo npm install -g npm
Npm Global Modules
For example
sudo npm install -g less
will install less
as /usr/local/bin/lessc
Update Global Modules
For example
sudo npm update -g less
Npm Cache
cd .npm
will show the cached files.
Npm Clean Cache
sudo npm cache clean
Npm Error
For example
npm list -g grunt
Unmet Peer Dependency grunt@~0.4.2
may require some upgrades.
Package Install
For example
npm install underscore
npm install underscore@1.7.0
sudo npm update underscore
npm uninstall underscore
Search for a Package
sudo npm search mkdir
shows packages including mkdir
allowing for sudo npm install -g mkdirp
sudo npm install -g nodemon
nodemon server.js
Use a Package
For example mkdir.js
var mkdirp = require('mkdirp');
mkdirp('foo', function (err) {
if (err) console.error(err)
else console.log('Directory created!')
and then
node mkdir.js
creates directory foo
DevTool - NodeJS Debugger
sudo npm install -g devtool
devtool app.js —break
sudo npm install -g less
lessc styles.less styles.css
lessc styles.less ../css/styles.css
npm install -g yarn
yarn -v
sudo npm install uglify-js --global
uglifyjs mkdir.js -o mkdir.min.js
sudo npm install -g grunt-cli
sudo npm install -g grunt-init
grunt --version
grunt-cli v0.1.13
npm config list
npm config get prefix
npm list --global
npm list -g --depth=0
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